Hours of rapture (The)

http://ec.msvu.ca:8080/xmlui/bitstream/handle/10587/805/LPF-The Hours of Rapture-Front.jpg
http://ec.msvu.ca:8080/xmlui/bitstream/handle/10587/805/LPF-The Hours of Rapture-Back.jpg


Hours of rapture (The)




Is Part Of

Printing location

Author Identity

Author Gender / Sexual Orientation

Lesbian Pulp Fiction Type

Publisher Type

Physical Dimensions

141 pages
18 cm

Ratings and/or Awards

Cover, Back Text

"Love on the rocks. After two years of frsutrating marriage, Lola's desperate desires made her seek fulfilment in strange new directions. Her husband, Gil, was not above a little playing around on the side, but the shock of discovering his wife's hidden nature was almost too much for him. He knew he could never satisfy her gnawing hungers, but the thought of losing her voluptuous charms - to other women - was more than he could bear. His own aching needs cried out for an answer. And when he found one, his marriage became one of the strangest of all time..." -Back cover

Cover Art Description

Against the backdrop of a golden-yellow curtain, two women sit, facing the reader, on a red couch with yellow cushions that is placed frontally. The one on the left of the image is a brunette with straight hair to her shoulders, and bangs above her eyebrows. Her legs are side to side, knees pointing right of the image, with her feet pointed against the brown carpet. She is wearing a blue blouse with a pattern and light-blue shorts. She has high heels, white with bows at the front. Her head is turned up to her right and upwards, looking at a standing figure of a man seen partially in silhouette to the left of the image, wearing a suit. Her right hand rests on her lap and her left hand rests on the left hand of a blonde who sits to her left, looking at her. The blonde sits with her legs crossed at the ankles, knees pointing left of the image, and is wearing black heels and a short black dress with wide straps and a flat collar line. Her hair is straight and long, with bangs. Her right arm is bent and rested at the elbow on top of the back of the couch, hand supporting her head. She has a slight smile on her face and a relaxed expression. The scene is lit from the top right.

Cover Art People

Cover Art Hair Colour

Cover Art Clothing and Fashion

Cover Art Background Colour

Cover Art Setting

Cover Art Light/Shadow

Cover Art Gaze

Cover Art Title

Additional Information

"Sheldon Lord" was a "house name" used by the Scott Meredith Literary Agency. Lawrence Block is the author most widely associated with the pseudonym, "Sheldon Lord". In the afterword to the 2016 re-issue of Block's Sinner Man, he makes it clear that he was not the author of Hours of Rapture. Block recalls that ghostwriters were sometimes used to write "Sheldon Lord" books, and he would receive a token payment for the use of the name. After Block changed literary agents, the Scott Meredith Literary Agency continued to use the "Sheldon Lord" house name.


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Lord, Sheldon, “Hours of rapture (The),” The Lesbian Pulp Fiction Collection @ Mount Saint Vincent University, accessed May 18, 2024, https://msvulpf.omeka.net/items/show/622.