Sex in the shadows

LPF-Sex in the Shadows-Front.jpg in the Shadows-Back.jpg

Cover Artist

Author Identity

Author Gender / Sexual Orientation

Publisher Type

Physical Dimensions

156 pages
18 cm

NODL Evaluation Report

"Completely immoral book- Homosexuality the whole theme."

Cover Art Description

The setting is a room with a brown, leather sofa and blue curtains on a background wall. The floor seems to be carpeted, in light-blue. A blonde sits on the ground, her back leaning on the seat of the sofa. She is wearing a white, long-sleeved blouse whose buttons are undone, revealing part of her right breast. Her right foot is tucked under her left thigh. Her left leg is bent at the knee. She is naked below her waist. Her wavy hair reaches her shoulders, flipping outward above them. Her head is tilted to her left and slightly bowed, and her eyes are closed. She caresses her hair with her left hand, her right hand rested on her right thigh, palm-down. To the top left of the image, a redhead can be seen beside the sofa, moving away from it, at a three-quarter angle to the reader. Her face is turned to the right to look at the blonde. Her hair is also wavy and reaches her shoulders, and her lips are slightly parted. She is wearing tight tan pants and a sleeveless pink blouse which adjusts to her waist. Her right hand rests on her right thigh. The scene is lit from the front left.

Cover Art People

Cover Art Hair Colour

Cover Art Clothing and Fashion

Cover Art Background Colour

Cover Art Setting

Cover Art Light/Shadow

Cover Art Gaze

Cover Art Title

Item Relations

Item: Perdue, Pat (Randy Salem) Creator This Item


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Salem, Randy, “Sex in the shadows,” The Lesbian Pulp Fiction Collection @ Mount Saint Vincent University, accessed February 19, 2025,