Needs we share (The) Needs We Share-Front.jpg Needs We Share-Back.jpg


Needs we share (The)



Is Part Of

Printing location

Author Gender / Sexual Orientation

Lesbian Pulp Fiction Type

Publisher Type

Physical Dimensions

142 pages
18 cm

NODL Evaluation Report

"This book is so filthy, it should be taken off the shelves everywhere. It encourages, and instructs in, homosexuality.
It seems to touch on the Dr. Kinsey report too. Same motivation.
Rea Michaels is writing lewd books- to sell. What effect they have on teenagers? No marriage- of Pam and Jack- just sex."

Cover, Back Text

"Sex in the suburbs is something everybody talks about - but how many people actually know the truth about it? Doctor Charles Carter was determined to find out the truth, by following in the footsteps of Dr. Kinsey and conducting the most candid, eye-opening sexual surey of all time. And a position on his survey team was a real plum for Pam Osgood. If there was anything about sin, any form of lustful depravity, that Pam didn't already know, she was determined to find out about it...and just possibly to give it a try. For Pam's own hungers were boundless, her appetites totally uninhibited. And her needs were great...FIND THE SINNER." -Back cover

Cover Art Description

Two women occupy most of the space. One, a redhead with straight hair combed from her left and at nape height, stands to the left of the image, at a three-quarter angle to the right facing the reader. Her head is tilted forward and slightly to her right, her eyes looking on at the reader, with a serious, almost defying, expression on her face. She is wearing a light blue blouse with long sleeves, rolled to her elbows and unbuttoned, and she grips its lower ends—which are tied together at stomach level—with both hands. She also wears a beige slip with lace at the hem and other places. Her right leg is slightly bent, visible only to her calf. To the right of the image, a brunette sits on an arm-less couch with gray and black stripes. Her legs are folded to her right, on the couch, and she leans against the back of the couch, on her left shoulder, with her left hand on the seat and her right hand raised, holding a cigarette to her lips. She is wearing a white blouse with ruffles across the button area, and long, brown pants. Her hair is loose, shoulder-high, with bangs above her eyebrows. Her head is turned slightly to her right, her eyes on the redhead's waist. To her left is a coffee table with two cocktail glasses and an ashtray. The leaves of a palm are seen at the far right of the image, and leaves from a hanging plant can be seen to the top left of the image. The couch is placed against a white wall. Natural light comes from the right.

Cover Art People

Cover Art Hair Colour

Cover Art Clothing and Fashion

Cover Art Background Colour

Cover Art Setting

Cover Art Light/Shadow

Cover Art Title


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Michaels, Rea, “Needs we share (The),” The Lesbian Pulp Fiction Collection @ Mount Saint Vincent University, accessed September 13, 2024,