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  • Cover Art Hair Colour is exactly "Redhead"

Bitter love

Alexandra deals with the fact that her husband is having an affair with another man.

Third sex syndrome (The)

The Third Sex Syndrome front cover. A woman with long, pink wavy hair undresses (or dresses) in view of the reader. She is wearing panties. Her right arm covers her breasts as she removes (or puts on) her lower garment. In the background, a blond short-haired woman in an orange halter top and dark capri pants reclines on a white bed watching the woman in the foreground.
Sharon's affair with Leda allows her to work out her childhood traumas

So strange a love

So Strange a Love front cover. The busts of two women take up most of the visual space. One of them, a redhead, is on the right of the image and in the foreground, in profile, facing left of the reader and looking toward the same direction. Her hair is up on a bun to the left of her head, and she looks forward with wide open, blue eyes, lips slightly parted. Her torso is naked, and she is wearing an earring. Beside her, on her right and facing the reader, stands a brunette, partially covered by the redhead. Her wavy, loose hair flips over her shoulders, and she is looking at the redhead with half-open eyes. Her torso, too, is naked. The background is purplish blue, and the scene is lit from the front-left.
'A strange story of a married couple, each enmeshed in an illicit affair with a younger woman, and the erotic love the two younger women found in one another.'

Duet in darkness

Duet in Darkness front cover: Two women are displayed in an indoors setting. One of them, a black woman with short, straight black hair, sits on the wooden floor in a white negligee. Her left side faces the reader, and she sits with her left leg bent at the knee and turned outward toward her back, her foot bare. Her left hand is posed on her left calf and has a ring on its ring finger. Her right hand touches the edge of a blue and black cushioned sofa to her right. Her head is turned sharply to her left, and she looks straight out at the reader with a serious expression on her face. In the background, beside her on the sofa, a redhead with straight hair to her shoulder sits, with both legs folded atop the seat, feet facing right of the image. She is wearing a short, denim skirt and a brown, sleeveless blouse with buttons at the front and a V-neck. Her left hand is blocked by the figure who sits on the floor, and her right hand is holding a cigarette, elbow rested on the back of the chair. She is almost facing the reader; her body slightly twisted to her right. Her head faces the reader, but her sight is directed toward the other woman, with a serious expression. The scene is lit with natural light coming slightly from the left, casting a shadow of the black woman on the sofa and on the brick wall in the background.
Mid 20th century morality tale cautioning readers against interracial relationships and lesbianism

Whispered sex (The) Whispered Sex-Front.jpg
Los Angeles was nothing like what Joyce expected it to be.

Women in the shadows in the Shadows-Front.jpg
Race passing and passing for straight underscore the interrelationship tensions among Laura, Jack, Beebo, and Tris in 1950s New York.

Odd girl out Girl Out-Front.jpg
Laura falls in love with her sorority suite mate, and finds herself entangled in a love triangle with Beth and Charlie

We two won't last

We Two Won't Last front cover. The background color, a dark pink, occupies most of the image. Two women appear, small and centered, between two words of the book's title. One is a brunette on a chair, and she sits with her bowed head and her knees pointed to the right and her torso turned sharply to her right, facing the reader. Both of her hands grasp the edge of the chair, towards her back, and they face the reader. She wears a brown dress with a round, white collar. Another woman, a redhead, stands behind her, to her left, partially covered by her and the chair. She is facing left of the reader, in profile, with her head bowed, and she wears a dress and high heels. She looks pregnant. The scene is lit from the top right of the image, casting shadows.
Journalistic portraits of lesbian subcultures in and around New York

Three strange women

Three Strange Woment front cover: Against a gray background there are two women. One is in the background standing in the center, her body facing right of the reader. She is a blonde with short hair brushed back and is wearing a brown skirt and a white blouse, which she seems to start to remove, revealing a white brassiere. Her face is frontal, slightly tilted to her left, and she gazes straight out at the reader. The other woman is a redhead with short, curly hair who is lying down in the foreground, her body facing the reader, head to the left of the image. She is wearing a white peignoir, her left shoulder exposed by the sleeve that hangs over it. Her left arm is bent, hand to the left of the image, and she is hugging a purple pillow with both hands, with her torso raised. Her right leg is bent, with the knee pointing forward, and uncovered. There is a beaded curtain between the two women, and the scene is lit from the front with hard light.
A paperback original. This book was published as a mass-market paperback without a hardcover printing.