Doctor of lesbos of Lesbos-Front.jpg of Lesbos-Back.jpg

Printing location

Author Identity

Author Gender / Sexual Orientation

Lesbian Pulp Fiction Type

Publisher Type

Physical Dimensions

154 pages
18 cm

Ratings and/or Awards

More information about contested books

Contested in the U.S.A and Canada by the National Organization for Decent Literature.

Cover, Back Text

"She told her husband that too much sex was unhealthy...but in the lonely darkness of her separate bedroom she was ravaged by a profane passion that society has always refused to accept! Jo Carlin was beginning to feel a new kind of longing...but not for her husband or any other man. Dr. Joan Brent specialized in the treatment of neurotic women...and for Jo's ailment she prescribed a forbidden remedy! Al Carlin was still young, handsome, strong. What was he supposed to do if his wife tried to ration his love-making? Colleen Brenston was the desirable, lonely widow of Al's best friend. Sooner or later she and Al were bound to work out their emotional problems...together! Michael Cridlund was ruthless with women. He taught Jo that she really did enjoy physical desires after all-but was there still enough time to rescue her marriage? A bold new novel about men and women at war with themselves!" -Back cover

Cover Art Description

The cover image is a montage showing a photo of a creased lilac bed sheet over which lays a stethoscope diagonally to the left. Underneath the stethoscope, there is a graphic image of the female gender symbol in translucent pink. The light comes from the top and from behind, casting a shadow at the top of the image.

Cover Art Style

Cover Art People

Cover Art Clothing and Fashion

Cover Art Background Colour

Cover Art Setting

Cover Art Light/Shadow

Cover Art Gaze

Cover Art Title


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Gordon, Anthony, “Doctor of lesbos,” The Lesbian Pulp Fiction Collection @ Mount Saint Vincent University, accessed February 10, 2025,