Chamber Music


Printing location

Author Gender / Sexual Orientation

Publisher Type

Physical Dimensions

253 pages
18 cm

Female Protagonists Meet or Introduced to the Reader

Meeting Notes

Caroline Maclaren and Anna meet when nurse Anna joins the Maclaren household to care for Caroline's ill husband.
Pages 160 - 164

Cover, Front Text

"An extraoridinary adventure in love. . . "Stunning wonderful, genuinely remarkable." - The Washington Star

Cover, Back Text

"A strange haunting wonderful novel" - B. Dalton Bookseller. "Doris Grumbach is a startingly senuous writer. . . .Her people are convincing and so are their passions." - Mademoiselle. "Short, haunting, a beautifully styled period piece. . . Grumbach is at her best in depicting the love that grows between Caroline and Anna." - Publishers Weekly. Chamber Music. "One of those rare novels written for adults who listen" - New York Times. "Lingers in the memory like a lasting fragrance. . . an adagio of a novel conceived, composed and exeduted con amore.: - John Barkham Review. "A trumph" - Cleveland Plain Dealer.


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Grumbach, Doris, “Chamber Music,” The Lesbian Pulp Fiction Collection @ Mount Saint Vincent University, accessed February 10, 2025,