Twisted path (The) Twisted Path-Front.jpg Twisted Path-Back.jpg

Printing location

Cover Artist

Author Gender / Sexual Orientation

Lesbian Pulp Fiction Type

Publisher Type

Physical Dimensions

153 pages
18 cm

Ratings and/or Awards

Cover Art Description

Over an orange background streaked with yellow, two women are on a bed with an orange quilted blanket. One of them, with black, curled hair to her shoulders, lies on her left side, her torso slightly raised over a black cushion which she wraps with her left arm and hand to the right of the image. Her legs are bent, knees pointing forward toward the reader. She is wearing a red dress with straps, and a V-neck that shows her cleavage. She has stockings to the middle of her thigh, and an earring can be seen on her left ear. Her head is turned back to her right, and her right arm is bent, hand on the back of the head of a redhead whose face is in front of hers, looking straight at her face. The redhead has short, straight hair and is wearing a white blouse, an earring visible on her right ear.

Cover Art People

Cover Art Hair Colour

Cover Art Clothing and Fashion

Cover Art Background Colour

Cover Art Setting

Cover Art Light/Shadow

Cover Art Gaze

Cover Art Title


Cover art by Harry Barton

Mount Saint Vincent University

Thank you, Steven

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Maxwell, Malcolm J., “Twisted path (The),” The Lesbian Pulp Fiction Collection @ Mount Saint Vincent University, accessed January 15, 2025,