Twilight women

Two female heads are shown, faces looking straight forward. One face is closer to the foreground, on the left, and partly covers the other one. The face of the one in the foreground is coloured in bright pink and that of the one in the background is coloured in purple. Both have darkened, long straight hair, depicted in solid black ink. Based on the tones of colour used for the faces, and on the use of the black, the artist conveys the light in the scene as a hard light that comes from the front left.
Twilight Women back cover. This extraordinary book is the definitive study of a surprisingly large percentage of our population; what they do, how they feel, why they are the way they are. Let one of them speak for all her sisters: "We are adults. We want to live our lives without interference from others. For one reason or another we don't care to have sex with men. They can be pleasant friends if they aren't trying to make you..." Through blunt, forthright statements and extended life stories, more light is shed on this misunderstood topic than ever before. This book will stand for many years as the most revealing in the field.


Twilight women





Erotica compiled as psychiatric case studies


Printing location

Author Identity

Author Gender / Sexual Orientation

Publisher Type

Physical Dimensions

157 pages
18 cm


Damon, Gene. "Twilight Women." Ladder, vol. 8, no. 6, March 1964, p. 14.

A not unsympathetic collection of case histories, somewhat fictionalized. However, despite the broad-minded approach taken by Dr. Woodward, the collection is slanted toward the seriously disturbed personality and will mean very little to the average lesbian.

More information about contested books

Contested in the U.S.A and Canada by the National Organization for Decent Literature.

Cover, Front Text

The causes and varieties of lesbianism explored in full length case histories by a noted authority

Cover, Back Text

This extraordinary book is the definitive study of a surprisingly large percentage of our population; what they do, how they feel, why they are the way they are.

Let one of them speak for all her sisters: "We are adults. We want to live our lives without interference from others. For one reason or another we don't care to have sex with men. They can be pleasant friends if they aren't trying to make you..."

Through blunt, forthright statements and extended life stories, more light is shed on this misunderstood topic than ever before. This book will stand for many years as the most revealing in the field.

Cover Art Description

Two female heads are shown, faces looking straight forward. One face is closer to the foreground, on the left, and partly covers the other one. The face of the one in the foreground is coloured in bright pink, and that of the one in the background is coloured in purple. Both have darkened, long straight hair, depicted in solid black ink. Based on the tones of colour used for the faces, and on the use of the black, the artist conveys the light in the scene as a hard light that comes from the front left.

Cover Art People

Cover Art Clothing and Fashion

Cover Art Background Colour

Cover Art Setting

Cover Art Light/Shadow

Cover Art Gaze

Cover Art Title


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Woodward, L. T., “Twilight women,” The Lesbian Pulp Fiction Collection @ Mount Saint Vincent University, accessed February 10, 2025,