Twice as gay as Gay-Front.jpg as Gay-Back.jpg


Twice as gay




Printing location

Author Gender / Sexual Orientation

Lesbian Pulp Fiction Type

Publisher Type

Physical Dimensions

160 pages
18 cm

Ratings and/or Awards

Cover Art Description

Inside what looks like a bar, a brunette with short hair parted to the side and wearing a green blouse, a leather jacket, jeans with a belt and black leather boots is seen standing in profile, grabbing the collar of a redhead's dress as if ripping it open at the shoulders. The redhead faces the reader at a three-quarter angle and seems to be falling from a stool, wearing a red dress with high heels and stockings with suspenders. She has a terrified expression on her face. Eight other men and women surround them, sitting and standing, all dressed in different fashions, from suits, to dresses, to leather garments, watching the scene. Some have looks of concern, some look angry, some look on with a neutral expression, and one woman behind the bar looks down with a slight smile on her lips. The scene is lit from the right and is framed in a white background.

Cover Art Style

Cover Art Hair Colour

Cover Art Background Colour

Cover Art Setting

Cover Art Light/Shadow

Cover Art Gaze

Cover Art Title


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Keene, Nan, “Twice as gay,” The Lesbian Pulp Fiction Collection @ Mount Saint Vincent University, accessed September 13, 2024,