Lesbos jungle

The Lesbos Jungle front cover. Two women in the image seem to attack a single man in what looks like a back street alley. A red brick wall is behind them. A garbage bin is partially shown in the foreground, and a wooden crate is partially revealed to the left. There is a bottle on the ground and a puddle. The blonde on the left of the image is shown ripping off the man's shirt, while the brunette on the right grasps his arm by the bicep. The women are fully dressed while the man wears jeans and boots; his belt is unbuckled, and his jeans are half-unzipped. The blonde is wearing a white, turtle-neck sweater, black leather pants and black leather boots and her hair is long, with bangs across her forehead. The brunette is wearing a white turtle-neck blouse under a black leather jacket, black leather stiletto boots and white pants. Her hair is short and wavy. The man looks surprised and scared, right arm bent, hand in front of his face as if trying to cover his eyes from the light that comes from the front left. His eyes and mouth are wide open.
The Lesbos Jungle back cover. GIRL GANGS. . . The jungle that is New York’s infamous West Side now throbs with forbidden emotions. Rusty Farrell, a man-hating female, challenges young Buddy Grogam to the test. Both participate in a bizarre ceremony in which one will become humble, submit to domination by the others. The battle of the sexes erupts in violence when Buddy forces Sylvia Hampton, a ‘femme’ lover of Rusty, to perform the most shameless activities in a secret hiding place. But Buddy meets his match in Dick Kelly, a leather expert, who has a few twilight tricks of his own. In their midst is thrust Lola Campbell, another ‘femme’ and special favorite of lesbian Rusty. It is Lola who forces Buddy into a trap from which there is no escape. Here is the untold story of girls gangs on the sidewalks and in the alleys of New York after dark. LESBOS. LEATHER. FETISH. DOMINATION.

Printing location

Author Identity

Author Gender / Sexual Orientation

Publisher Type

Physical Dimensions

128 pages
18 cm

Ratings and/or Awards

Cover, Back Text

GIRL GANGS. . . The jungle that is New York’s infamous West Side now throbs with forbidden emotions. Rusty Farrell, a man-hating female, challenges young Buddy Grogam to the test. Both participate in a bizarre ceremony in which one will become humble, submit to domination by the others. The battle of the sexes erupts in violence when Buddy forces Sylvia Hampton, a ‘femme’ lover of Rusty, to perform the most shameless activities in a secret hiding place. But Buddy meets his match in Dick Kelly, a leather expert, who has a few twilight tricks of his own. In their midst is thrust Lola Campbell, another ‘femme’ and special favorite of lesbian Rusty. It is Lola who forces Buddy into a trap from which there is no escape. Here is the untold story of girls gangs on the sidewalks and in the alleys of New York after dark. LESBOS. LEATHER. FETISH. DOMINATION.

Cover Art Description

Two women in the image seem to attack a single man in what looks like a back street alley. A red brick wall is behind them. A garbage bin is partially shown in the foreground, and a wooden crate is partially revealed to the left. There is a bottle on the ground and a puddle. The blonde on the left of the image is shown ripping off the man's shirt, while the brunette on the right grasps his arm by the bicep. The women are fully dressed while the man wears jeans and boots; his belt is unbuckled, and his jeans are half-unzipped. The blonde is wearing a white, turtle-neck sweater, black leather pants and black leather boots and her hair is long, with bangs across her forehead. The brunette is wearing a white turtle-neck blouse under a black leather jacket, black leather stiletto boots and white pants. Her hair is short and wavy. The man looks surprised and scared, right arm bent, hand in front of his face as if trying to cover his eyes from the light that comes from the front left. His eyes and mouth are wide open.

Cover Art People

Cover Art Hair Colour

Cover Art Clothing and Fashion

Cover Art Background Colour

Cover Art Setting

Cover Art Light/Shadow

Cover Art Title


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Willow, Peter, “Lesbos jungle,” The Lesbian Pulp Fiction Collection @ Mount Saint Vincent University, accessed September 13, 2024, https://msvulpf.omeka.net/items/show/810.