Ellis, Julie (Joan Ellis)

Authors Julie Ellis (left) and Ann Bannon (right) at the New York Collectable Paperback Expo in 2004. Photo courtesy of http://www.annbannon.com


Ellis, Julie (Joan Ellis)

Birth Date



Columbus, Georgia

Death Date

February 2006




Joan Ellis (Midwood Books)
Linda Michaels (Midwood Books)
Jill Monte (Beacon and Domino Books)
Susan Richards (Paperback Library)
Susan Marino (Avon)
Allison Lord, Jeffrey Lord

Biographical Text

Julie Ellis has written some 150 books under many pseudonyms. Her lesbian pulps for Midwood in the 1960s were written using the name Joan Ellis. Latterly she has achieved fame as the writer of romance novels with historical backgrounds.

Ellis left acting to focus on writing after the birth of her two children. Although not a lesbian herself, she used her influence as a prolific best-selling author to insist that her stories end with positive happy endings for lesbian lovers.

The photograph on this page features the authors Julie Ellis (left) and Ann Bannon (right) at the New York Collectable Paperback Expo in 2004. Photo courtesy of http://www.annbannon.com


Contemporary Authors New Revision Series, volume(s) 84, 180 MSVU Call number: Ref. Z 1224 C62 v.84.
"Lesbian Pulp Fiction with Robin Cohen" The Lesbian Story Project. 5 October 2016, http://thelesbianstoryproject.libsyn.com/02-lesbian-pulp-fiction-with-robin-cohen
Munroe, Lynn. "Midwood." Lynn Munroe Books, http://lynn-munroe-books.com/list55/midwood.htm

Profile Contributor

Terrence Paris
Denyse Rodrigues

Item Relations

This Item Creator Item: Third street (The)
This Item Creator Item: In the shadows
This Item Creator Item: Problem child
This Item Creator Item: Gay scene



Julie Ellis was my great aunt. Ive been collecting and lecturing on the lesbian pulps for over 40 years. Please feel free to contact me if you'd like more information. 

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“Ellis, Julie (Joan Ellis),” The Lesbian Pulp Fiction Collection @ Mount Saint Vincent University, accessed September 7, 2024, https://msvulpf.omeka.net/items/show/838.